NeoGraft Hair Restoration

Advanced Dermatologist in New York!

Bring back a thick, gorgeous head of hair with this revolutionary precision transplant technique that’s perfect for people of color. No scarring. All-natural.

30 min  |  Starting at $2500

Curly hair black woman holding her face while staring at the camera

Get Glorious Hair With NeoGraft

Bring back a thick, gorgeous head of hair with this revolutionary precision transplant technique that’s perfect for people of color. No scarring. All-natural.

30 min  |  Starting at $2500

Get your sexy back with seamless hair restoration for luscious locks, brows, and beards.

How it works

Using cutting-edge Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), individually harvested hair follicles are transplanted to fill in thin or bald areas. Unlike traditional “strip” hair transplants, NeoGraft blends science and artistry for natural-looking results and no ugly scars.

Why it’s awesome

NeoGraft empowers Dr. Dele-Michael to respond to the unique texture and growth pattern of hair of color, especially at the hairline. It’s minimally invasive with a brief recovery time and no scars — short hair is no problem!

woman working on her laptop

Questions? We’re here for you.

When will I see results?

Post-procedure – 3 months: The hair will grow in with your normal hair growth cycle several weeks after the NeoGraft procedure.

3 – 6 months: This is when most of the hair growth takes place. You’ll notice the grafted hair will begin to shed and regrow in about three to four months. This is normal.
6+ months: Your hair will continue to fill in up to 1 ½ years after your procedure.

Is there any downtime after the procedure?

Minimal. You’ll be able to return to work a couple of days following the procedure. If you like to work out, you should stick to light exercise two days after the procedure, and skip strenuous activity, like weight training or HIIT, for a week. This helps ensure you don’t experience preventable swelling and discomfort.

What do I do for post-procedure hair care?

First and most importantly, no pulling of the hair or tension on your hair of any kind. Also, avoid wearing hats and shampooing your scalp for the amount of time recommended by Dr. Dele-Michael.

Is the procedure pain-free?

It’s virtually pain-free. Dr. Dele-Michael makes patients comfortable during the procedure with a local anesthesia. Right after the treatment, you may experience some swelling and discomfort, which is normal. Dr. Dele-Michael will provide you with aftercare instructions, which may include a prescription pain reliever to help manage these symptoms.

before image of inner neograft hair restoration


after image of neograft hair restoration


“I thought I would have no hair in my scalp for the rest of my life, the hair has now grown allowing me to walk, head held high.”


Ready to get started with NeoGraft?